Beware of paying attention to or going back to what you once were, when God wants you to be something you've never been... - Oswald Chambers

Monday, March 5, 2012

A Blast From the Past

I had lunch with an old friend last week.

Let me tell you, I was a bit nervous for this lunch. You see, I'm about 20 steps ahead of most others my age, especially from the area where I grew up and I know it sounds dumb, but I was just worried about what he was going to think of me... Not to mention, I'm pretty sure the last time I saw the guy was in a bar somewhere during the haze that was my college (partying) days.

So we get to the lunch and at first it was awkward as awkward can be. We hugged - talked about how long it had been since we'd actually had a conversation with each other, which we agreed must have been high school graduation (about 8 years ago now)... He was in utter shock that I was married and had two children. His response was that I had two kids and was still "tiny". I can't tell you how much I hate people that remark about this OR believe this stereotype about women - like automatically when you have children your looks have to go away? F that noise.

Anyway, the conversation about our lives went on and on and the more we talked, the more I realized that I missed hanging out with this guy. How did we grow apart? We used to be so close and it was sad to think that 8 years had come and gone and I didn't know anything about him anymore. What's even more sad is that he works within minutes of my office and we'd never known this...

I learned a few things after finishing:

1. I need to seriously see friends more. I feel like I do my best, but wow, no excuses anymore. I feel like I take people for granted sometimes and I need to remember that sometimes when you cut yourself off from people or don't give a little more effort, it hurts them.

2. I'm way ahead of most people my age with having kids and yes, some people think I'm crazy - this guy I went to lunch with was no exception - He asked why we have two kids and I told him that we didn't plan it, it just happened to us and sometimes life just happens and you roll with it. I wouldn't trade having my children for the world. Sometimes I feel like my friends are looking for me to say I would take back having kids or they try to fish and poke around for me to say something along those lines and sorry folks, I would never, ever say that. Having children is a blessing. I'm blessed to be a mother. One day, when you have your own children, you'll understand, but until then....

3. Sometimes in life you just have to A.S.K. to G.E.T. I never would have gotten this opportunity if I hadn't asked for it. And look all the good that came out of it? Reconnecting with an old friend and finding out things about each other in a personal and professional light...

I'm in the mood to vent so I may post yet again after this one - but I definitely had to share my experience with this lunch because it was just... Crazy, weird, good and fun.


  1. Okay- color me curious- who did you go to lunch with?!?!??!!??????!!!! Can you sense my extreme NEED to know the answer?! Haha Also- I can relate to this post on so many levels!

  2. aziasaidwhat - for his privacy I will only reveal his first name, which is Ryan. Old friend from high school. "color me curious" - ha - you make me smile :) glad you could relate!
