Beware of paying attention to or going back to what you once were, when God wants you to be something you've never been... - Oswald Chambers

Monday, December 12, 2011

Absolutes for 2012

2011 was a year of a lot of growth in my life, physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. It was also a year full of bittersweet events. We experienced a lot of loss, but we had an amazing gain and blessing with the birth of our son, Jacob.

One thing that I am not too proud of this year was the way I chose to handle stressful situations. Whether it was at home, work or personal stress, I usually chose to handle it by having a drink or hitting the pavement. And trust me, I've made every excuse in the book to justify choosing these outlets. But, as the popular saying goes about excuses, they are like butts, everyone's got 'em and they all stink.

Drinking alcohol has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I grew up around it, I grew up drinking it and I've been in my share of trouble because of it - nothing drastic - I know what you're thinking. Although I in no way consider myself an alcoholic, I think I have a genetic disposition to enjoy adult beverages more than most. I also think I have a genetic disposition to think oddly towards those that don't drink. Yes, I think you're weird. Sorry.

One thing about alcohol that I don't like though is, like I said earlier, although it's good and although it's fun, it's not going to solve any problems, make anybody wiser or anybody richer or whatever you may be looking for. In fact, you're more likely to end up crying into your cocktail at the end of the night as you use it as an outlet - not like I know.... Regardless, 2012 I've decided is the year I truly only use alcohol to further enhance an already enjoyable situation (i.e. special occasions, celebrations or holidays). Period.

Running has also been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Ever since I got called fat on the bus ride home from school in 9th grade. I learned that calories were important and exercise will keep your ass in shape and I surprisingly fell in love with running. In fact, running is sort of like a drug for me. My husband will literally tell me to go run on days he can tell I haven't gotten out in a few or if something seems to be really upsetting me, "OK, Go Run Sweetie..." - Just one of the million reasons why I love him, he lets me do what he knows I love and what helps me find Zen calm. Since we had Jacob, running has really taken a back seat in my life. It's tough to find time to hit the road when you have two babies at home! And waking up at 5AM to go for a run just doesn't happen everyday because I get too run down. Running, working full time, raising two kids, cooking, cleaning, there just aren't enough hours in the day nor are there enough "healthy" defenders running through my body to allow me to do that.

So, I know you're saying to yourself, big deal? She likes to run. But, sometimes I let my need to run take over my life. I put it before everything.  My kids. My husband. JUST. NEED. TO. RUN. Now, it's not like I'm not taking care of my kids because I need to run, that's not what I'm saying, I'm just saying my mind goes there and I have trouble coming back from it unless I just go do it. 2012 will be the year I gain control of this addiction. Not sure how I'm going to do it yet, but none-the-less, either I'm going to make time or get on a schedule that allows me to do it, maintain my priorities and keep my sanity...

Even though sometimes I need a break from both my husband and my kids, don't think badly of me, I'm just being honest and if you say you don't need a break you're full of fooey, I want to try to be the very best wife and the very best mother I can possibly be to them. They are my everything and each everyday I want to show that.  2012 will be the year I step this up a notch and keep it there.

I want to eat healthier. There's a reason why all the experts tell us to eat more fruits and vegetables and some days I lay in bed and go, I didn't eat a single fruit or vegetable all day today!!! Unacceptable. I need to be a better example so in 2012, this makes the list too.

I'm standing up for my beliefs more. If someting isn't in line with what I believe or what kind of a person I want to be, I'm going to say or do something about it. I'm sure lots more blogging to come on this one...

And last, but certainly not least in 2012, I want to be a better friend. The past month or so I have made an effort to get together with a friend at least once a week and I tell you what, I am so much happier! I was making all kinds of excuses to not see my friends before - too busy, too long since we've seen each other, they don't understand my life now, blah, blah, blah. Clearly 2011 was also a year of bad excuses. There's a reason why you have a connection with people and I'm going to do a better job of maintaining mine...

Obviously I know I'm not a perfect person and I know that I may not stick to all these absolutes perfectly, but hey, I'm trying and I'm going to really make an effort to practice everything I'm preaching about here today.

Happy (almost) 2012 - I wish nothing but the best to whomever is reading my rantings :) :)

1 comment:

  1. I like how you made this entry about moving forward with new and better habits. We should all adopt such a positive and specific attitude. :-)

    And trust me, I have a hubby with no kids and I need a break from him. Marriage is like that. I love him very much, but sometimes I really need to get out and do my own thing. Which he is fully happy with me doing. It's part of the reason I started my blog. I needed an outlet.

    I really need to work on being a better everything next year. And I really look foward to reading your progress in 2012!
