Not Being Thankful For...
- The ability to get out of bed every morning and go to work.
- Having a roof over our heads.
- Having a bed to sleep in.
- Having clothes to wear.
- The ability to access professional health care at the drop of a hat.
- Having a cell phone, computer, iPod and iPad, not just one, but all of them. Yep, we're spoiled technology brats.
- Getting a paycheck.
- Living free and able to make our own decisions and do whatever the heck we want to do!
- The ability to type and express my thoughts an opinions on this blog.
- Having access to fresh food and the ability to buy it too.
If your biggest problem in your life right now is that you're fighting with your boyfriend and you're not sure if ya'll are going to get married or not and blah, blah, blah - BE GRATEFUL. Somewhere out there is young woman having an arranged marriage with a man she can't stand and she doesn't have a choice about it.
If your biggest problem in your life right now is that you're swimming in debt from student loans - BE GRATEFUL. You got the opportunity to go to college. You got the opportunity to have an education. You got the opportunity to make something of yourself. You got the opportunity to learn about "Thirsty Thursday" and attend a couple too... Keep working hard, they won't be loans forever and slowly but surely the money will get paid off. And you'll never regret having an education!
If your biggest problem in your life right now is that you're not happy with your weight - BE GRATEFUL. You have the opportunity to change. You can choose to make yourself better. You can put on some running shorts and be best friends with the pavement from here on out. I don't know of any other country in the world where there are health clubs or people randomly running down the street just for the sake of physical fitness. Embrace this American custom. Put. The. Cookie. Down. I always tell my dad, because he's CONSTANTLY complaining about his weight, he has the power to change, but he has to decide when that change happens, I can't do it for him. I really wish I could... (another blog. another time.)
If your biggest problem in your life right now is that you're fighting with your best friend - BE GRATEFUL. There are millions of people around this world who don't have a best friend or have lost their best friend.
I could go on and on and on and on about the things I hear people griping about on a day to day basis, INCLUDING MYSELF! Sometimes it's obvious to me what someone is complaining about isn't that big of a deal, but other times - it gets hard because we all get tunnel vision. We all get sucked into our friend's problems, which, if you're living in America, chances are that their problems are petty compared to others around the world.
Think about the family and friends of Jack Jablonski (#13). Or Gabriel Giffords and her friends and family.
In the case of Jack, this family has their son/brother/nephew/cousin/grandson playing hockey like a normal 16 year old kid and WHAM! In a second, his life changes because he got checked from behind and doctors now say he may never use his hands or have the ability to walk again.
Gabriel Giffords husband got a call that his wife had DIED, then all of a sudden he finds out she is ALIVE (seriously, I don't know how I would handle all that emotional high/low if this happened to Luke). Her journey she's made is absolutely INCREDIBLE!!!! Please Google information about it if you haven't followed it and watch their interview on 60 Minutes. Get tissue prior.
Takeaway before the weekend - be thankful for who you are. Love yourself. There is no one in this world like you. But, that being said, take care of yourself and be grateful for everyone around you and conscious of the lives you touch. Life can change so fast...
And like the title says, don't sweat the small stuff!
"Don't worry about a thing, cuz' every little thing, is gon' be alright..." - Bob Marley
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